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Below is a list of members/participants of the club. If you would like your name listed, either make a pull request using Git/GitHub or send the information you want to add via e-mail to Wolfgang, Ozan, or Sander. Note: Listing your name here is entirely optional and voluntary!

Name Position/Role Interests
Wolfgang Viechtbauer Associate Professor of Methodology and Statistics at Maastricht University statistical programming (esp. R), high-performance computing, open-source software, Linux, efficient/organized workflows
Ozan Çınar PhD student at Maastricht University computational statistics, bioinformatics, genetics
Sander van Kuijk Clinical Epidemiologist at Maastricht University Medical Centre prediction modeling, stochastic simulations, missing data
Ingo Marquardt PhD student at Maastricht University cognitive neuroscience, high-field fMRI, interested in open & reproducible science, Python
David Barnett Masters student at UM: Health Science Research (epidemiology internship) omics, R, github, Python
Niels Hameleers Data Scientist at Maastricht University Python, Jupyter Notebooks, Health Services Research, interested in machine learning
Sophie Vanbelle Assistant Professor of Methodology and Statistics at Maastricht University R, Latex (including beamer), Bayesian statistics (Winbugs, Openbugs, Jags), SAS, parallel computing in R, efficient code writing, also interested in Python and open & reproducible sciences
Pim van Montfort MD, PhD student at Maastricht University obstetrics, prediction modelling, interested in R, zotero, and open & reproducible sciences in general
Omer Faruk Gulban PHD student at Maastricht University cognitive neuroscience, high-field MRI, image & polygon mesh processing, Python, Matlab, git
Svenja Petersohn Junior researcher MUMC, PhD student Maastricht University prediction modelling, statistical programming (especially R), (R)markdown
Jimmie Leppink Assistant Professor of Methodology and Statistics at Maastricht University statistical programming, statistical modeling, psychometrics, latent variable modeling, Bayesian statistics, replication, reproducibility, registered reports
Arno Angerer M.Sc. Business Intelligence & Smart Services student at the School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University data science, R programming, exploratory data analysis, data visualization, predictive analytics, machine learning, databases, Tableau
Stijn Michielse PhD student at Maastricht University neuroimaging (FSL, SPM, ExploreDTI), statistical programming, data science, open science, Linux, Matlab, Bash
Dries Boers Bioinformatician at MaCSBio, the Maastricht Centre for Systems Biology R, Matlab and Python programming, UNIX scripting, version control using Git, parallel computing, reference managers, text editors (Emacs)
Marjan Drukker Senior researcher, epidemiologist Stata, networks (of psychological symptoms)
Mathijs de Rijk PhD student at Maastricht University neuroimaging, Python, Matlab
Aryo Zare PhD student, Neuroscience programming paradigms, numerical analysis software, Matlab, Octave, time series analysis
Pedro Hernandez Serrano Data Science Researcher reproducible data science pipeline, graph knowledge representation, autonomous agents, data visualization