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Below is a list of members/participants of the club. If you would like your name listed, either make a pull request using Git/GitHub or send the information you want to add via e-mail to Wolfgang, Ozan, or Sander. Note: Listing your name here is entirely optional and voluntary!
Name | Position/Role | Interests |
Wolfgang Viechtbauer | Associate Professor of Methodology and Statistics at Maastricht University | statistical programming (esp. R), high-performance computing, open-source software, Linux, efficient/organized workflows |
Ozan Çınar | PhD student at Maastricht University | computational statistics, bioinformatics, genetics |
Sander van Kuijk | Clinical Epidemiologist at Maastricht University Medical Centre | prediction modeling, stochastic simulations, missing data |
Ingo Marquardt | PhD student at Maastricht University | cognitive neuroscience, high-field fMRI, interested in open & reproducible science, Python |
David Barnett | Masters student at UM: Health Science Research (epidemiology internship) | omics, R, github, Python |
Niels Hameleers | Data Scientist at Maastricht University | Python, Jupyter Notebooks, Health Services Research, interested in machine learning |
Sophie Vanbelle | Assistant Professor of Methodology and Statistics at Maastricht University | R, Latex (including beamer), Bayesian statistics (Winbugs, Openbugs, Jags), SAS, parallel computing in R, efficient code writing, also interested in Python and open & reproducible sciences |
Pim van Montfort | MD, PhD student at Maastricht University | obstetrics, prediction modelling, interested in R, zotero, and open & reproducible sciences in general |
Omer Faruk Gulban | PHD student at Maastricht University | cognitive neuroscience, high-field MRI, image & polygon mesh processing, Python, Matlab, git |
Svenja Petersohn | Junior researcher MUMC, PhD student Maastricht University | prediction modelling, statistical programming (especially R), (R)markdown |
Jimmie Leppink | Assistant Professor of Methodology and Statistics at Maastricht University | statistical programming, statistical modeling, psychometrics, latent variable modeling, Bayesian statistics, replication, reproducibility, registered reports |
Arno Angerer | M.Sc. Business Intelligence & Smart Services student at the School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University | data science, R programming, exploratory data analysis, data visualization, predictive analytics, machine learning, databases, Tableau |
Stijn Michielse | PhD student at Maastricht University | neuroimaging (FSL, SPM, ExploreDTI), statistical programming, data science, open science, Linux, Matlab, Bash |
Dries Boers | Bioinformatician at MaCSBio, the Maastricht Centre for Systems Biology | R, Matlab and Python programming, UNIX scripting, version control using Git, parallel computing, reference managers, text editors (Emacs) |
Marjan Drukker | Senior researcher, epidemiologist | Stata, networks (of psychological symptoms) |
Mathijs de Rijk | PhD student at Maastricht University | neuroimaging, Python, Matlab |
Aryo Zare | PhD student, Neuroscience | programming paradigms, numerical analysis software, Matlab, Octave, time series analysis |
Pedro Hernandez Serrano | Data Science Researcher | reproducible data science pipeline, graph knowledge representation, autonomous agents, data visualization |