Results from 24 studies on the effectiveness of various counseling types for smoking cessation.



The data frame contains the following columns:

idnumericid number for each treatment arm
studynumericstudy id number
authorscharacterstudy author(s)
yearnumericpublication year
trtcharacterintervention group
xinumericnumber of individuals abstinent
ninumericnumber of individuals in group


The dataset includes the results from 24 studies on the effectiveness of various counseling types for smoking cessation (i.e., self-help, individual counseling, group counseling, and no contact). The dataset indicates the total number of individuals within each study arm and the number that were abstinent from 6 to 12 months. The majority of the studies compared two interventions types against each other, while 2 studies compared three types against each other simultaneously.

The data can be used for a ‘network meta-analysis’ (also called a ‘mixed treatment comparison’). The code below shows how such an analysis can be conducted using an arm-based and a contrast-based model (see Salanti et al., 2008, for more details).


Hasselblad, V. (1998). Meta-analysis of multitreatment studies. Medical Decision Making, 18(1), 37–43.


Gleser, L. J., & Olkin, I. (2009). Stochastically dependent effect sizes. In H. Cooper, L. V. Hedges, & J. C. Valentine (Eds.), The handbook of research synthesis and meta-analysis (2nd ed., pp. 357–376). New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Law, M., Jackson, D., Turner, R., Rhodes, K., & Viechtbauer, W. (2016). Two new methods to fit models for network meta-analysis with random inconsistency effects. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 16, 87.

Salanti, G., Higgins, J. P. T., Ades, A. E., & Ioannidis, J. P. A. (2008). Evaluation of networks of randomized trials. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 17(3), 279–301.


medicine, psychology, smoking, odds ratios, network meta-analysis


### copy data into 'dat' and examine data
dat <- dat.hasselblad1998
#>    id study            authors year            trt  xi   ni
#> 1   1     1        Reid et al. 1974     no_contact  75  731
#> 2   2     1        Reid et al. 1974 ind_counseling 363  714
#> 3   3     2    Cottraux et al. 1983     no_contact   9  140
#> 4   4     2    Cottraux et al. 1983 ind_counseling  23  140
#> 5   5     2    Cottraux et al. 1983 grp_counseling  10  138
#> 6   6     3       Slama et al. 1990     no_contact   2  106
#> 7   7     3       Slama et al. 1990 ind_counseling   9  205
#> 8   8     4    Jamrozik et al. 1984     no_contact  58  549
#> 9   9     4    Jamrozik et al. 1984 ind_counseling 237 1561
#> 10 10     5      Rabkin et al. 1984     no_contact   0   33
#> 11 11     5      Rabkin et al. 1984 ind_counseling   9   48
#> 12 12     6   Decker and Evans 1989      self_help  20   49
#> 13 13     6   Decker and Evans 1989 ind_counseling  16   43
#> 14 14     7    Richmond et al. 1986     no_contact   3  100
#> 15 15     7    Richmond et al. 1986 ind_counseling  31   98
#> 16 16     8              Leung 1991     no_contact   1   31
#> 17 17     8              Leung 1991 ind_counseling  26   95
#> 18 18     9  Mothersill et al. 1988      self_help  11   78
#> 19 19     9  Mothersill et al. 1988 ind_counseling  12   85
#> 20 20     9  Mothersill et al. 1988 grp_counseling  29  170
#> 21 21    10    Langford et al. 1983     no_contact   6   39
#> 22 22    10    Langford et al. 1983 ind_counseling  17   77
#> 23 23    11       Gritz et al. 1992     no_contact  79  702
#> 24 24    11       Gritz et al. 1992      self_help  77  694
#> 25 25    12    Campbell et al. 1986     no_contact  18  671
#> 26 26    12    Campbell et al. 1986      self_help  21  535
#> 27 27    13     Sanders et al. 1989     no_contact  64  642
#> 28 28    13     Sanders et al. 1989 ind_counseling 107  761
#> 29 29    14    Hilleman et al. 1993 ind_counseling  12   76
#> 30 30    14    Hilleman et al. 1993 grp_counseling  20   74
#> 31 31    15     Gillams et al. 1984 ind_counseling   9   55
#> 32 32    15     Gillams et al. 1984 grp_counseling   3   26
#> 33 33    16 Mogielnicki et al. 1986      self_help   7   66
#> 34 34    16 Mogielnicki et al. 1986 grp_counseling  32  127
#> 35 35    17        Page et al. 1986     no_contact   5   62
#> 36 36    17        Page et al. 1986 ind_counseling   8   90
#> 37 37    18    Vetter and Ford 1990     no_contact  20  234
#> 38 38    18    Vetter and Ford 1990 ind_counseling  34  237
#> 39 39    19  Williams and Hall 1988     no_contact   0   20
#> 40 40    19  Williams and Hall 1988 grp_counseling   9   20
#> 41 41    20    Pallonen et al. 1994     no_contact   8  116
#> 42 42    20    Pallonen et al. 1994      self_help  19  149
#> 43 43    21     Russell et al. 1983     no_contact  95 1107
#> 44 44    21     Russell et al. 1983 ind_counseling 143 1031
#> 45 45    22 Stewart and Rosser 1982     no_contact  15  187
#> 46 46    22 Stewart and Rosser 1982 ind_counseling  36  504
#> 47 47    23     Russell et al. 1979     no_contact  78  584
#> 48 48    23     Russell et al. 1979 ind_counseling  73  675
#> 49 49    24    Kendrick et al. 1995     no_contact  69 1177
#> 50 50    24    Kendrick et al. 1995 ind_counseling  54  888

### load metafor package

### create network graph ('igraph' package must be installed)
library(igraph, warn.conflicts=FALSE)
pairs <- data.frame(,
   sapply(split(dat$trt, dat$study), function(x) t(combn(x,2)))), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
lvls <- c("no_contact", "self_help", "ind_counseling", "grp_counseling")
pairs$X1 <- factor(pairs$X1, levels=lvls)
pairs$X2 <- factor(pairs$X2, levels=lvls)
tab <- table(pairs[,1], pairs[,2])
tab # adjacency matrix
#>                  no_contact self_help ind_counseling grp_counseling
#>   no_contact              0         3             15              2
#>   self_help               0         0              2              2
#>   ind_counseling          0         0              0              4
#>   grp_counseling          0         0              0              0
g <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(tab, mode = "plus", weighted=TRUE, diag=FALSE)
vertex_attr(g, "name") <- c("No Contact", "Self-Help",
                            "Individual\nCounseling", "Group\nCounseling")
plot(g, edge.curved=FALSE, edge.width=E(g)$weight, layout=layout_on_grid,
     vertex.size=45, vertex.color="lightgray", vertex.label.color="black", vertex.label.font=2)

### calculate log odds for each study arm
dat <- escalc(measure="PLO", xi=xi, ni=ni, add=1/2, to="all", data=dat)
#>    id study            authors year            trt  xi   ni      yi     vi 
#> 1   1     1        Reid et al. 1974     no_contact  75  731 -2.1628 0.0148 
#> 2   2     1        Reid et al. 1974 ind_counseling 363  714  0.0336 0.0056 
#> 3   3     2    Cottraux et al. 1983     no_contact   9  140 -2.6277 0.1129 
#> 4   4     2    Cottraux et al. 1983 ind_counseling  23  140 -1.6094 0.0511 
#> 5   5     2    Cottraux et al. 1983 grp_counseling  10  138 -2.5046 0.1030 
#> 6   6     3       Slama et al. 1990     no_contact   2  106 -3.7329 0.4096 
#> 7   7     3       Slama et al. 1990 ind_counseling   9  205 -3.0294 0.1104 
#> 8   8     4    Jamrozik et al. 1984     no_contact  58  549 -2.1284 0.0191 
#> 9   9     4    Jamrozik et al. 1984 ind_counseling 237 1561 -1.7186 0.0050 
#> 10 10     5      Rabkin et al. 1984     no_contact   0   33 -4.2047 2.0299 
#> 11 11     5      Rabkin et al. 1984 ind_counseling   9   48 -1.4250 0.1306 
#> 12 12     6   Decker and Evans 1989      self_help  20   49 -0.3640 0.0827 
#> 13 13     6   Decker and Evans 1989 ind_counseling  16   43 -0.5108 0.0970 
#> 14 14     7    Richmond et al. 1986     no_contact   3  100 -3.3271 0.2960 
#> 15 15     7    Richmond et al. 1986 ind_counseling  31   98 -0.7621 0.0466 
#> 16 16     8              Leung 1991     no_contact   1   31 -3.0123 0.6995 
#> 17 17     8              Leung 1991 ind_counseling  26   95 -0.9642 0.0521 
#> 18 18     9  Mothersill et al. 1988      self_help  11   78 -1.7698 0.1018 
#> 19 19     9  Mothersill et al. 1988 ind_counseling  12   85 -1.7716 0.0936 
#> 20 20     9  Mothersill et al. 1988 grp_counseling  29  170 -1.5679 0.0410 
#> 21 21    10    Langford et al. 1983     no_contact   6   39 -1.6397 0.1837 
#> 22 22    10    Langford et al. 1983 ind_counseling  17   77 -1.2404 0.0737 
#> 23 23    11       Gritz et al. 1992     no_contact  79  702 -2.0596 0.0142 
#> 24 24    11       Gritz et al. 1992      self_help  77  694 -2.0754 0.0145 
#> 25 25    12    Campbell et al. 1986     no_contact  18  671 -3.5646 0.0556 
#> 26 26    12    Campbell et al. 1986      self_help  21  535 -3.1751 0.0485 
#> 27 27    13     Sanders et al. 1989     no_contact  64  642 -2.1938 0.0172 
#> 28 28    13     Sanders et al. 1989 ind_counseling 107  761 -1.8064 0.0108 
#> 29 29    14    Hilleman et al. 1993 ind_counseling  12   76 -1.6409 0.0955 
#> 30 30    14    Hilleman et al. 1993 grp_counseling  20   74 -0.9778 0.0671 
#> 31 31    15     Gillams et al. 1984 ind_counseling   9   55 -1.5882 0.1268 
#> 32 32    15     Gillams et al. 1984 grp_counseling   3   26 -1.9042 0.3283 
#> 33 33    16 Mogielnicki et al. 1986      self_help   7   66 -2.0711 0.1501 
#> 34 34    16 Mogielnicki et al. 1986 grp_counseling  32  127 -1.0779 0.0412 
#> 35 35    17        Page et al. 1986     no_contact   5   62 -2.3470 0.1992 
#> 36 36    17        Page et al. 1986 ind_counseling   8   90 -2.2727 0.1298 
#> 37 37    18    Vetter and Ford 1990     no_contact  20  234 -2.3479 0.0534 
#> 38 38    18    Vetter and Ford 1990 ind_counseling  34  237 -1.7747 0.0339 
#> 39 39    19  Williams and Hall 1988     no_contact   0   20 -3.7136 2.0488 
#> 40 40    19  Williams and Hall 1988 grp_counseling   9   20 -0.1911 0.1922 
#> 41 41    20    Pallonen et al. 1994     no_contact   8  116 -2.5467 0.1269 
#> 42 42    20    Pallonen et al. 1994      self_help  19  149 -1.9010 0.0589 
#> 43 43    21     Russell et al. 1983     no_contact  95 1107 -2.3611 0.0115 
#> 44 44    21     Russell et al. 1983 ind_counseling 143 1031 -1.8232 0.0081 
#> 45 45    22 Stewart and Rosser 1982     no_contact  15  187 -2.4096 0.0703 
#> 46 46    22 Stewart and Rosser 1982 ind_counseling  36  504 -2.5522 0.0295 
#> 47 47    23     Russell et al. 1979     no_contact  78  584 -1.8644 0.0147 
#> 48 48    23     Russell et al. 1979 ind_counseling  73  675 -2.1038 0.0153 
#> 49 49    24    Kendrick et al. 1995     no_contact  69 1177 -2.7694 0.0153 
#> 50 50    24    Kendrick et al. 1995 ind_counseling  54  888 -2.7286 0.0195 

### convert trt variable to factor with desired ordering of levels
dat$trt <- factor(dat$trt, levels=c("no_contact", "self_help", "ind_counseling", "grp_counseling"))

### add a space before each level (this makes the output a bit more legible)
levels(dat$trt) <- paste0(" ", levels(dat$trt))

### network meta-analysis using an arm-based model with fixed study effects
### by setting rho=1/2, tau^2 reflects the amount of heterogeneity for all treatment comparisons
res <-, vi, mods = ~ 0 + factor(study) + trt,
              random = ~ trt | study, rho=1/2, data=dat, btt="trt")
#> Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 50; method: REML)
#> Variance Components:
#> outer factor: study (nlvls = 24)
#> inner factor: trt   (nlvls = 4)
#>             estim    sqrt  fixed 
#> tau^2      0.4324  0.6575     no 
#> rho        0.5000            yes 
#> Test for Residual Heterogeneity:
#> QE(df = 23) = 202.3334, p-val < .0001
#> Test of Moderators (coefficients 25:27):
#> QM(df = 3) = 14.2278, p-val = 0.0026
#> Model Results:
#>                     estimate      se     zval    pval    ci.ub      
#> factor(study)1       -1.3925  0.5820  -2.3926  0.0167  -2.5333  -0.2518    * 
#> factor(study)2       -2.7302  0.5842  -4.6731  <.0001  -3.8753  -1.5851  *** 
#> factor(study)3       -3.7217  0.6681  -5.5703  <.0001  -5.0312  -2.4121  *** 
#> factor(study)4       -2.2710  0.5829  -3.8958  <.0001  -3.4136  -1.1285  *** 
#> factor(study)5       -2.3914  0.7374  -3.2430  0.0012  -3.8367  -0.9461   ** 
#> factor(study)6       -0.9698  0.6421  -1.5104  0.1309  -2.2284   0.2887      
#> factor(study)7       -2.0855  0.6369  -3.2744  0.0011  -3.3339  -0.8372   ** 
#> factor(study)8       -1.9592  0.6674  -2.9357  0.0033  -3.2672  -0.6512   ** 
#> factor(study)9       -2.3487  0.6032  -3.8936  <.0001  -3.5310  -1.1664  *** 
#> factor(study)10      -1.8062  0.6296  -2.8688  0.0041  -3.0402  -0.5722   ** 
#> factor(study)11      -2.2618  0.5978  -3.7835  0.0002  -3.4334  -1.0901  *** 
#> factor(study)12      -3.5643  0.6139  -5.8058  <.0001  -4.7675  -2.3610  *** 
#> factor(study)13      -2.3454  0.5836  -4.0188  <.0001  -3.4892  -1.2015  *** 
#> factor(study)14      -2.0624  0.6492  -3.1767  0.0015  -3.3348  -0.7899   ** 
#> factor(study)15      -2.4575  0.6868  -3.5781  0.0003  -3.8037  -1.1114  *** 
#> factor(study)16      -2.1438  0.6707  -3.1964  0.0014  -3.4583  -0.8293   ** 
#> factor(study)17      -2.6810  0.6448  -4.1581  <.0001  -3.9447  -1.4173  *** 
#> factor(study)18      -2.4066  0.5964  -4.0353  <.0001  -3.5755  -1.2377  *** 
#> factor(study)19      -1.4441  0.8108  -1.7811  0.0749  -3.0331   0.1450    . 
#> factor(study)20      -2.4041  0.6331  -3.7974  0.0001  -3.6450  -1.1633  *** 
#> factor(study)21      -2.4359  0.5817  -4.1877  <.0001  -3.5760  -1.2958  *** 
#> factor(study)22      -2.8559  0.5991  -4.7667  <.0001  -4.0301  -1.6816  *** 
#> factor(study)23      -2.3268  0.5838  -3.9857  <.0001  -3.4710  -1.1826  *** 
#> factor(study)24      -3.0893  0.5847  -5.2836  <.0001  -4.2353  -1.9433  *** 
#> trt self_help         0.3888  0.3221   1.2070  0.2274  -0.2426   1.0202      
#> trt ind_counseling    0.6864  0.1904   3.6055  0.0003   0.3133   1.0596  *** 
#> trt grp_counseling    0.8438  0.3641   2.3176  0.0205   0.1302   1.5574    * 
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

### all pairwise odds ratios of interventions versus no contact
predict(res, newmods=cbind(matrix(0, nrow=3, ncol=24), diag(3)),
        intercept=FALSE, transf=exp, digits=2)
#> Warning: Arguments 'intercept' ignored when 'newmods' includes 'p' columns.
#>   pred ci.ub pi.ub 
#> 1 1.48  0.78  2.77  0.35  6.20 
#> 2 1.99  1.37  2.89  0.52  7.60 
#> 3 2.33  1.14  4.75  0.53 10.14 

### all pairwise odds ratios comparing interventions (ic vs sh, gc vs sh, and gc vs ic)
predict(res, newmods=cbind(matrix(0, nrow=3, ncol=24), rbind(c(-1,1,0), c(-1,0,1), c(0,-1,1))),
        intercept=FALSE, transf=exp, digits=2)
#> Warning: Arguments 'intercept' ignored when 'newmods' includes 'p' columns.
#>   pred ci.ub pi.ub 
#> 1 1.35  0.70  2.58  0.32  5.71 
#> 2 1.58  0.72  3.43  0.35  7.10 
#> 3 1.17  0.59  2.30  0.27  5.02 

### forest plot of ORs of interventions versus no contact
forest(c(0,res$beta[25:27]), sei=c(0,res$se[25:27]), psize=1, xlim=c(-3,4), digits=c(2,1), efac=2,
       slab=c("No Contact", "Self-Help", "Individual Counseling", "Group Counseling"),
       atransf=exp, at=log(c(0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8)), xlab="Odds Ratio for Intervention vs. No Contact",
       header=c("Intervention", "Odds Ratio [95% CI]"))


### restructure dataset to a contrast-based format
dat <- to.wide(dat.hasselblad1998, study="study", grp="trt", ref="no_contact", grpvars=6:7)

### calculate log odds ratios for each treatment comparison
dat <- escalc(measure="OR", ai=xi.1, n1i=ni.1,
                            ci=xi.2, n2i=ni.2, add=1/2, to="all", data=dat)
#>    id study            authors year          trt.1 xi.1 ni.1          trt.2 xi.2 ni.2  comp   design 
#> 1   1     1        Reid et al. 1974 ind_counseling  363  714     no_contact   75  731 in-no    in-no 
#> 2   2     2    Cottraux et al. 1983 grp_counseling   10  138     no_contact    9  140 gr-no gr-in-no 
#> 3   3     2    Cottraux et al. 1983 ind_counseling   23  140     no_contact    9  140 in-no gr-in-no 
#> 4   4     3       Slama et al. 1990 ind_counseling    9  205     no_contact    2  106 in-no    in-no 
#> 5   5     4    Jamrozik et al. 1984 ind_counseling  237 1561     no_contact   58  549 in-no    in-no 
#> 6   6     5      Rabkin et al. 1984 ind_counseling    9   48     no_contact    0   33 in-no    in-no 
#> 7   7     6   Decker and Evans 1989 ind_counseling   16   43      self_help   20   49 in-se    in-se 
#> 8   8     7    Richmond et al. 1986 ind_counseling   31   98     no_contact    3  100 in-no    in-no 
#> 9   9     8              Leung 1991 ind_counseling   26   95     no_contact    1   31 in-no    in-no 
#> 10 10     9  Mothersill et al. 1988 grp_counseling   29  170      self_help   11   78 gr-se gr-in-se 
#> 11 11     9  Mothersill et al. 1988 ind_counseling   12   85      self_help   11   78 in-se gr-in-se 
#> 12 12    10    Langford et al. 1983 ind_counseling   17   77     no_contact    6   39 in-no    in-no 
#> 13 13    11       Gritz et al. 1992      self_help   77  694     no_contact   79  702 se-no    se-no 
#> 14 14    12    Campbell et al. 1986      self_help   21  535     no_contact   18  671 se-no    se-no 
#> 15 15    13     Sanders et al. 1989 ind_counseling  107  761     no_contact   64  642 in-no    in-no 
#> 16 16    14    Hilleman et al. 1993 grp_counseling   20   74 ind_counseling   12   76 gr-in    gr-in 
#> 17 17    15     Gillams et al. 1984 grp_counseling    3   26 ind_counseling    9   55 gr-in    gr-in 
#> 18 18    16 Mogielnicki et al. 1986 grp_counseling   32  127      self_help    7   66 gr-se    gr-se 
#> 19 19    17        Page et al. 1986 ind_counseling    8   90     no_contact    5   62 in-no    in-no 
#> 20 20    18    Vetter and Ford 1990 ind_counseling   34  237     no_contact   20  234 in-no    in-no 
#> 21 21    19  Williams and Hall 1988 grp_counseling    9   20     no_contact    0   20 gr-no    gr-no 
#> 22 22    20    Pallonen et al. 1994      self_help   19  149     no_contact    8  116 se-no    se-no 
#> 23 23    21     Russell et al. 1983 ind_counseling  143 1031     no_contact   95 1107 in-no    in-no 
#> 24 24    22 Stewart and Rosser 1982 ind_counseling   36  504     no_contact   15  187 in-no    in-no 
#> 25 25    23     Russell et al. 1979 ind_counseling   73  675     no_contact   78  584 in-no    in-no 
#> 26 26    24    Kendrick et al. 1995 ind_counseling   54  888     no_contact   69 1177 in-no    in-no 
#>         yi     vi 
#> 1   2.1964 0.0204 
#> 2   0.1232 0.2159 
#> 3   1.0183 0.1639 
#> 4   0.7035 0.5199 
#> 5   0.4098 0.0241 
#> 6   2.7797 2.1604 
#> 7  -0.1469 0.1796 
#> 8   2.5649 0.3425 
#> 9   2.0481 0.7516 
#> 10  0.2019 0.1427 
#> 11 -0.0018 0.1954 
#> 12  0.3993 0.2574 
#> 13 -0.0158 0.0287 
#> 14  0.3894 0.1040 
#> 15  0.3874 0.0281 
#> 16  0.6632 0.1626 
#> 17 -0.3161 0.4550 
#> 18  0.9932 0.1914 
#> 19  0.0743 0.3290 
#> 20  0.5732 0.0873 
#> 21  3.5225 2.2410 
#> 22  0.6457 0.1858 
#> 23  0.5379 0.0196 
#> 24 -0.1427 0.0998 
#> 25 -0.2394 0.0300 
#> 26  0.0408 0.0348 

### calculate the variance-covariance matrix of the log odds ratios for multitreatment studies
### see Gleser & Olkin (2009), equation (19.11), for the covariance equation
calc.v <- function(x) {
   v <- matrix(1/(x$xi.2[1] + 1/2) + 1/(x$ni.2[1] - x$xi.2[1] + 1/2), nrow=nrow(x), ncol=nrow(x))
   diag(v) <- x$vi
V <- bldiag(lapply(split(dat, dat$study), calc.v))

### add contrast matrix to dataset
dat <- contrmat(dat, grp1="trt.1", grp2="trt.2")
#>    id study            authors year          trt.1 xi.1 ni.1          trt.2 xi.2 ni.2  comp   design 
#> 1   1     1        Reid et al. 1974 ind_counseling  363  714     no_contact   75  731 in-no    in-no 
#> 2   2     2    Cottraux et al. 1983 grp_counseling   10  138     no_contact    9  140 gr-no gr-in-no 
#> 3   3     2    Cottraux et al. 1983 ind_counseling   23  140     no_contact    9  140 in-no gr-in-no 
#> 4   4     3       Slama et al. 1990 ind_counseling    9  205     no_contact    2  106 in-no    in-no 
#> 5   5     4    Jamrozik et al. 1984 ind_counseling  237 1561     no_contact   58  549 in-no    in-no 
#> 6   6     5      Rabkin et al. 1984 ind_counseling    9   48     no_contact    0   33 in-no    in-no 
#> 7   7     6   Decker and Evans 1989 ind_counseling   16   43      self_help   20   49 in-se    in-se 
#> 8   8     7    Richmond et al. 1986 ind_counseling   31   98     no_contact    3  100 in-no    in-no 
#> 9   9     8              Leung 1991 ind_counseling   26   95     no_contact    1   31 in-no    in-no 
#> 10 10     9  Mothersill et al. 1988 grp_counseling   29  170      self_help   11   78 gr-se gr-in-se 
#> 11 11     9  Mothersill et al. 1988 ind_counseling   12   85      self_help   11   78 in-se gr-in-se 
#> 12 12    10    Langford et al. 1983 ind_counseling   17   77     no_contact    6   39 in-no    in-no 
#> 13 13    11       Gritz et al. 1992      self_help   77  694     no_contact   79  702 se-no    se-no 
#> 14 14    12    Campbell et al. 1986      self_help   21  535     no_contact   18  671 se-no    se-no 
#> 15 15    13     Sanders et al. 1989 ind_counseling  107  761     no_contact   64  642 in-no    in-no 
#> 16 16    14    Hilleman et al. 1993 grp_counseling   20   74 ind_counseling   12   76 gr-in    gr-in 
#> 17 17    15     Gillams et al. 1984 grp_counseling    3   26 ind_counseling    9   55 gr-in    gr-in 
#> 18 18    16 Mogielnicki et al. 1986 grp_counseling   32  127      self_help    7   66 gr-se    gr-se 
#> 19 19    17        Page et al. 1986 ind_counseling    8   90     no_contact    5   62 in-no    in-no 
#> 20 20    18    Vetter and Ford 1990 ind_counseling   34  237     no_contact   20  234 in-no    in-no 
#> 21 21    19  Williams and Hall 1988 grp_counseling    9   20     no_contact    0   20 gr-no    gr-no 
#> 22 22    20    Pallonen et al. 1994      self_help   19  149     no_contact    8  116 se-no    se-no 
#> 23 23    21     Russell et al. 1983 ind_counseling  143 1031     no_contact   95 1107 in-no    in-no 
#> 24 24    22 Stewart and Rosser 1982 ind_counseling   36  504     no_contact   15  187 in-no    in-no 
#> 25 25    23     Russell et al. 1979 ind_counseling   73  675     no_contact   78  584 in-no    in-no 
#> 26 26    24    Kendrick et al. 1995 ind_counseling   54  888     no_contact   69 1177 in-no    in-no 
#>         yi     vi grp_counseling ind_counseling self_help no_contact 
#> 1   2.1964 0.0204              0              1         0         -1 
#> 2   0.1232 0.2159              1              0         0         -1 
#> 3   1.0183 0.1639              0              1         0         -1 
#> 4   0.7035 0.5199              0              1         0         -1 
#> 5   0.4098 0.0241              0              1         0         -1 
#> 6   2.7797 2.1604              0              1         0         -1 
#> 7  -0.1469 0.1796              0              1        -1          0 
#> 8   2.5649 0.3425              0              1         0         -1 
#> 9   2.0481 0.7516              0              1         0         -1 
#> 10  0.2019 0.1427              1              0        -1          0 
#> 11 -0.0018 0.1954              0              1        -1          0 
#> 12  0.3993 0.2574              0              1         0         -1 
#> 13 -0.0158 0.0287              0              0         1         -1 
#> 14  0.3894 0.1040              0              0         1         -1 
#> 15  0.3874 0.0281              0              1         0         -1 
#> 16  0.6632 0.1626              1             -1         0          0 
#> 17 -0.3161 0.4550              1             -1         0          0 
#> 18  0.9932 0.1914              1              0        -1          0 
#> 19  0.0743 0.3290              0              1         0         -1 
#> 20  0.5732 0.0873              0              1         0         -1 
#> 21  3.5225 2.2410              1              0         0         -1 
#> 22  0.6457 0.1858              0              0         1         -1 
#> 23  0.5379 0.0196              0              1         0         -1 
#> 24 -0.1427 0.0998              0              1         0         -1 
#> 25 -0.2394 0.0300              0              1         0         -1 
#> 26  0.0408 0.0348              0              1         0         -1 

### network meta-analysis using a contrast-based random-effects model
### by setting rho=1/2, tau^2 reflects the amount of heterogeneity for all treatment comparisons
res <-, V, mods = ~ 0 + self_help + ind_counseling + grp_counseling,
              random = ~ comp | study, rho=1/2, data=dat)
#> Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 26; method: REML)
#> Variance Components:
#> outer factor: study (nlvls = 24)
#> inner factor: comp  (nlvls = 6)
#>             estim    sqrt  fixed 
#> tau^2      0.4324  0.6575     no 
#> rho        0.5000            yes 
#> Test for Residual Heterogeneity:
#> QE(df = 23) = 202.3334, p-val < .0001
#> Test of Moderators (coefficients 1:3):
#> QM(df = 3) = 14.2278, p-val = 0.0026
#> Model Results:
#>                 estimate      se    zval    pval   ci.ub      
#> self_help         0.3888  0.3221  1.2070  0.2274  -0.2426  1.0202      
#> ind_counseling    0.6864  0.1904  3.6055  0.0003   0.3133  1.0596  *** 
#> grp_counseling    0.8438  0.3641  2.3176  0.0205   0.1302  1.5574    * 
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

### predicted odds ratios of interventions versus no contact
predict(res, newmods=diag(3), transf=exp, digits=2)
#>   pred ci.ub pi.ub 
#> 1 1.48  0.78  2.77  0.35  6.20 
#> 2 1.99  1.37  2.89  0.52  7.60 
#> 3 2.33  1.14  4.75  0.53 10.14 

### fit random inconsistency effects model (see Law et al., 2016)
res <-, V, mods = ~ 0 + self_help + ind_counseling + grp_counseling,
              random = list(~ comp | study, ~ comp | design), rho=1/2, phi=1/2, data=dat)
#> Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 26; method: REML)
#> Variance Components:
#> outer factor: study (nlvls = 24)
#> inner factor: comp  (nlvls = 6)
#>             estim    sqrt  fixed 
#> tau^2      0.4324  0.6575     no 
#> rho        0.5000            yes 
#> outer factor: design (nlvls = 8)
#> inner factor: comp   (nlvls = 6)
#>             estim    sqrt  fixed 
#> gamma^2    0.0000  0.0000     no 
#> phi        0.5000            yes 
#> Test for Residual Heterogeneity:
#> QE(df = 23) = 202.3334, p-val < .0001
#> Test of Moderators (coefficients 1:3):
#> QM(df = 3) = 14.2278, p-val = 0.0026
#> Model Results:
#>                 estimate      se    zval    pval   ci.ub      
#> self_help         0.3888  0.3221  1.2070  0.2274  -0.2426  1.0202      
#> ind_counseling    0.6864  0.1904  3.6055  0.0003   0.3133  1.0596  *** 
#> grp_counseling    0.8438  0.3641  2.3176  0.0205   0.1302  1.5574    * 
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1